Saturday, February 27, 2010

Important Invitation

I know my blog posts are long and dense attempts to explore critically important theological, spiritual, religious subjects and how I see their relevance to contemporary personal, cultural, social, political issues.

To assist me in that effort and to ensure my posts address what interests and matters to you, I warmly invite you to send me your questions, issues and suggestions for future blogs and how I might make them better. You can do that either by making a comment on a recent post or send them directly to me at

Think about it, and thanks. Ted


  1. Ted,

    While your posts may be lengthy and difficult for many of us as we continue our spiritual search, I am sure that we all welcome them as a resource on our journey. They may be items that we will come back to in the future, rather than understand fully in the present.

    I keep a tab on my browser open to your blog. I can't always give it the time that it deserves, but I get a sense of comfort from it. Three weeks ago, I was in Kolkata, India, a city ten times larger than Philadelphia and seemingly even more polluted, congested, and poverty-stricken than other places in India. But I was renewed by clicking on your blog and finding a prayer from Guerrillas of Grace.

    Thanks for being there for the rest of us.


  2. April 19,2010
    Ted- Your prayers and thoughts, written and spoken have, over the years, been more important than I can say. But there was one comment you made recently that really hit the mark. Having just visited with my wonderful children and grandchildren, I was feeling a deep grief, knowing that the time is coming too soon when I will no longer be with them and share their lives. You said "yes you will", and it has made all the difference. Perhaps some of your other blog readers are aging reluctantly and fearfully and would be helped as I was with your wisdom.
    Thanks, Edie Giese
